Wednesday, 29 June 2016

WYSIWYG 2016 Day 2

Today, our group of 18 learned a lot and served the Cincinnati community in a variety of ways. We began the early morning by traveling 30 minutes across the border to Kentucky. There we volunteered at The Giving Fields, a 10-acre farm that grows crops and donates the harvest to local food pantries, similar to Second's garden. We learned how to pick squash, collared greens, tomatoes, kale, zucchini  and received a tour of their apple orchard as well. Overall, we harvested 633 lbs of food, the most of any group in the five years the farm has existed. 
We then traveled to Ault Park to have lunch and play around until it was time for showers. 
For dinner, we were invited by Sr. pastor,Adam Fronczek, of Knox Presbyterian to join 1st and 3rd Presbyterian for Taco Tuesday (a tradition we hold close to our hearts ;)) during their evening VBS. After, we transported everyone to Westwood Presbyterian and joined their middle school VBS. We listened and learned a lot about how different our lives can be from others. 
You'd think the traveling would stop there, but we surprised the "chirrens" (as we call them) with some ORIGINAL Graeter's Ice Cream! 
After a series of events, we ended the night with a little debrief of the loaded day. Let's just say bed time was not argued about. 
We are very excited to see what God has in store for us tomorrow as we work with Keep Cincinnati Beautiful! 
~Annie Merritt

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