Friday, 12 July 2019

Final Day of Service

What an incredible final day of service here in Ferguson! Today we had the privilege to work with St. Louis County and their Problem Properties unit who works to clear the overgrown landscaping that has taken over vacant and abandoned properties around the county. We worked at three properties throughout the day and cleared a large amount of shrubs, trees, branches, and debris from the properties.

We finished our day off with a frozen treat from Doozie’s and small group devotions. Finally we had the BOS(burger of service) ceremony where the current holder of the BOS picks someone who has shown great work ethic and impacted the group in a positive light to be the new keeper of the BOS. Connor picked Maddie because of her fantastic energy and willingness to serve in any way she could.

It was a very eventful and fun week and we are forever grateful for everyone who made it such a beautiful experience. Now for a good night’s sleep before we head back to Indy in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. You should’ve posted the silly photo that we took at the ice cream place :)
