Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Week 1, Day 3

Good afternoon!

We had a really great day yesterday, but we were so busy that the blog didn't even get posted last night -- oops!

We started our day with a picnic in the park together!  After breakfast we walked down to Washington Square Park and spent an hour playing frisbee and soccer and climbing trees together, then we eventually ate lunch picnic style in the shade of a tree.

Then we took the bus out to the west side to Bethesda retirement center to hang out with the residents there and work on an amazing project called "New Life for Old Bags".  This organization takes donated plastic shopping bags and uses them to make "plarn" -- plastic yarn -- which can then be crocheted into sleeping mats to be donated to the homeless.  Some of these bags were truly works of art!

On average, it takes about 80 hours from start to finish to make one of these mats, and we spent 3 with all of our students helping at each part: folding bags, cutting strips, knotting strips together to make plarn and learning to crochet.  

In the evening we had authentic (NO KETCHUP!) Chicago dogs for dinner and then we met in small groups.  Group 2 small group led us in worship for the evening and we had a great discussion on the challenges that the homeless face every day that many of us have never even thought about or considered.

We can't wait for another great day today.  Please continue to pray for us as we move through our week and learn and grow together!

High School Mission Week 1

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