Friday, 19 July 2013

Week 1, Day 5

Good morning!

Heading into our final 24 hours of this week's mission trip, we can't help but be grateful and amazed at the things we've experienced together this week.

Yesterday we had our last work day of the week.  But this wasn't a typical work day like the rest.  This was a different kind of work.  Interfaith work.

In the morning we had breakfast and afterwards spent some time in quiet reflection and devotion before we got out for the day.  We had a 10 a.m. appointment downtown with CAIR Chicago.  CAIR -- Council on American-Islamic Relations -- is a national organization that focuses on seeking justice in our communities for Muslim poeple who are misrepresented or mistreated in society.  By whatever means necessary, whether that be lobbying or interfaith work, they do what needs to be done to ensure that everyone has a voice to be heard.

(The entrance to the CAIR Chicago office)

We spent the morning talking with staff and interns at CAIR and having an open dialogue about how they, as a faith group similar to what we're doing this week, view their place in the community and responsiblity to the people around them.  There were some great stories shared and all of our eyes were opened a little bit wider to how similar some of the different people around us can be.  

(Five of the CAIR interns share their stories and personal reflections)

Then, in the afternoon after lunch, we walked down the street from Fourth to Sinai Congregation -- a Jewish synagogue that often partners with Fourth Church in Chicago.  We met with Heidi Kon, one of their staff members, and she led us in a discussion about the Jewish faith and some of the things that they're led to do in the community of Chicago.

(The students got to touch the Torah!)

Later in the evening after our pasta dinner we had small groups and worship together to reflect on the day and the week we've had with one another.  Group 3 led us in worship in an awesome discussion of how we're not only responsible for ourselves but also for the well-being of the people around us.  We talked about the challenges and difficulties that can be encountered while doing interfaith work, but we also pointed out the great reward that can be felt in accomplishment.  

(Group 3 leads us in worship together)

All in all, we had an amazing and enlightening day filled with new learning and discoveries made.  Today, we're heading out to Navy Pier for our fun day -- including a Cirque Shanghai show!  

Please pray for us that we would have a wonderful culmination of our trip together, and that we would have safe travels home tomorrow morning.  See you all aroung 1 p.m.!

High School Mission Week 1

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